August 7, Establishment of The Organization of Islamic Cooperation


1798 – US annexes Hawaii Islands.

1819 –Battle of Boyacá in Colombia when Simon Bolivar defeated the Spanish army.

1867 – Changing the title of Egypt ruler into Khedive .

1941 – José Stalin appointed as leader of the higher command of all soviet armies in the World War II.

1954 – Establishment of The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) .

1998 – Bombing of US Embassies in Dar al-Salam and Nairobi, claiming 224 lives and injuring 4500 others.

H. Zain/ Ghossoun

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گفتگوی وزیر توسعه اداری با استاندار حماه در مورد افزایش صلاحیت های دولتی 

دمشق – سانا آقای محمد حسان السکاف، وزیر توسعه اداری با آقای عبد الرحمن السهیان، …