Russian Ministry of Defense registers three terrorist attacks in de-escalation zone

Moscow, SANA- Three terrorist attacks by “Jabhat al-Nusra” terrorist organization have been registered, during the past hours, in the de-escalation zone in Idleb against the safe neighboring areas, according to Russian Defense Ministry.

Over the 24 past hours, three attacks have been recorded in Idleb se-escalation zone by “Jabhat al-Nusra” terrorist organization, two of which was on Aleppo province and another one on Lattakia, Deputy Chief of Hmeimim-based Russian Coordination Center, Yevgeny Gerasimov, said in a press statement on Monday.

The Russian Ministry said that during the past weeks, activities and movements of terrorist organizations linked with Turkish regime in Idleb vicinity have been escalated following Turkey’s announcement on its intention to start a new act of aggression on Syrian territory..

Rafah al-Allouni/ Hala Zain

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